How to become an Bollywood actor?

March 28, 2016
Top 5 Best Film Schools of
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Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor and Ileana D'Cruzrealizing their dreams
Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor and Ileana D'Cruz realizing their dreams in Phata Poster Nikhla Hero

Hit It and be a Great Actor!

Though not a cakewalk but by working on yourself, self marketing, hard work and perseverance, you can definitely be a successful actor/actress in Bollywood, India.

What Should You Have?

  1. Good looks may help you (especially in TV serials) though I don't agree fully with it. You can work on your looks or rather on your overall personality by facial exercises, Ayurveda treatments and yoga.
  2. Good body and its maintenance.
  3. Good voice. You can develop by various vocal exercises.
  4. Very pleasant nature.
  5. A graduate, good command on HINDI and an ability of a well spoken ENGLISH
  6. Excellent ability to memorize and that too, quickly. This is of paramount importance, especially in serials where you get your lines just before the shot!
  7. Good acting abilities. You can learn from this blog or by joining our workshops or online free help!
  8. Good networking capabilities- building up contacts on line, off line with industry people.
  9. The tremendous amount of patience, to be ready for a prolonged struggle and willingness to face periods of financial instability.
  10. Emotional stability

How Should You Develop the above Qualities in you?

  1. Learn professional acting either by carefully selecting a good school or if in doubt, the best option could be a personal and professional acting coach
  2. Join gym developing a good and HOT body
  3. Improve your mental health and be strong. Join yoga classes to learn relaxation and mental balance
  4. Make a professional portfolio of about 7 to 10 pictures to begin with, where you look exactly as you are. No dark glasses (Let casting directors see your eyes!).
  5. Complete your graduation because it's a long struggle with financial instability. Being a graduate and having an additional skills like IT, Marketing, Teaching, etc. may help you to support financially to fulfill your dream to be an actor. Knowing spoken English well helps you to network with cine industry and creates a favorable impression, apart from being comfortable with English dialogs in a film / TV serial
  6. Start building your contacts in the industry by networking through creating and updating of your profile/ page on a regular basis on social sites, emailing your profile, monologues, your website and show reel.
  7. Register yourself with at least 3 to 4 good coordinators (Select form posts in this blog)
  8. Do not restrict your efforts only to one field, e.g. Bollywood films. Enter in modeling, TV serials, commercial ads and print. Just hit all opportunities available
  9. Remember that acting is a business and you have to be a good businessman or a woman. You can't live in emptiness without money or with your parents/ relatives/ friends charity forever!
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