Bollywood yoga combines yoga poses and Bollywood-style dance moves.
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Bollywood yoga is a form of exercise that combines yoga poses with the traditional movements of Bollywood dance. Although yoga is generally considered a gentle form of exercise, including the vigorous moves of Bollywood-style dance and a little music helps create a more comprehensive exercise routine that can tone the body and help you lose weight by giving you an opportunity to burn more calories. As with any form of physical fitness, be sure and check with your doctor before trying Bollywood yoga and always warm up your muscles with light cardio before beginning your routine.
Downward-Facing Dog Pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana, or Downward-Facing Dog pose, is the quintessential yoga move that stretches the entire body. Begin standing upright with your feet together. As you exhale, fold forward and place your hands on the floor. Walk your hands out until you come into an inverted "V." To add the Bollywood element, straighten your body and lower toward the floor in Plank pose. As you inhale, push your hips up and come back into Downward-Facing Dog. Repeat this movement two or three times before coming back to standing. While Downward-Facing Dog stretches your body, Plank pose strengthens your arms, legs and core muscles.
Bollywood Warrior
The series of Warrior poses are also popular yoga poses that can be incorporated into a Bollywood dance routine. Warrior III is a powerful pose that can improve your balance, strengthens your core and tone your legs. Begin standing in an upright position with your feet together. As you exhale, fold at the waist, coming into a flat back. Inhale and raise your right leg back behind you as you bring your arms out in front, fingers pointing forward. Rhythmically alternate between your left and right leg, bringing your arms back to your sides as you lower your leg and out in front of you as you raise your leg.