OMG! This is some revelation!
Sunny Leone is a sex icon alright. But she is so much more than just that. Well, her interview with a misogynistic television host the other day proved it. She is all geared up to pull crowd with her sex comedy Mastizaade and is currently from pillar to post, promoting her film.
In one such interview to a leading television channel, she opens up about her growing up years and her idea of being ‘sexy’. Well, if you look at Sunny beyond the veneer of the sexy image that she has, she is quite real, like you and me. For one thing, her growing up years were just as awkward as us. Yes, she was every bit of an scrawny, unkempt teenager like us. While speaking about the same she says, “I wasn’t popular; In fact there is a picture of mine floating around on the internet, which has me in a unibrow and hair all over the place! I didn’t really discover myself until I turned 19. I used to play with GI Joes and not Barbies! I never thought of myself as hot or sexy.” Well, that’s quite a confession to make. It is bloody honest for her to say something like that.
Well then it is logical to ask how she maintains that beautiful, bikini body of hers. To that, she had the perfect reply. She replies candidly, “I normally eat healthy khana, and work out a lot. But I think for a woman to be in a bikini, whatever the size, it takes guts and a little bit of courage and confidence.”
She also has some tips for Indian women to look and most importantly feel gorgeous ALWAYS. She adds, “Just love your body; who cares what size you are?! The whole world knows I have curves, so one just has to embrace it. I have been to places where I see short women, tall women, skinny women, in their bikinis. They are happy, they are proud, strutting their stuff, having a good time. I think you just have to let go.”