XTCZ Top Box office provides real time ranking of the weekend box office and always keep users upto date with latest box office results. The data updates automatically every week, no need to do any extra work.
It has
- Real time Box Office result.
- Customization options
- Ready shortcode for post, pages or other post type and for wordpress theme
- Ready widget
- Bollywood Box Office (shortcode and widget)
Required settings
- After plugin installation, go to WordPress Dashboard > Settings > XTCZ Box Office and save required configuration here. Rottentomatoes Key is required to work this plugin. You can Register Rottentomatoes key from here.
- For Bollywood box office no any configration required. And Rottentomatoes Key is not required for bollywood box office resutls.
- Use [xtcz_topboxoffice] shortcode to display top box office in post, pages or other custom post type.
- Use php code to display top box office movie list into wordpress theme file.
- Use [xtcz_bollywood_boxoffice] shortcode for bollywood box office.
Optional parameters
You can also use optional parameters to override saved setting options.
For example:
[xtcz_topboxoffice theme="standard" img_width="25"]
List of optional parameters
- theme : 'fullview' or 'standard' .
- limit : Numeric value to show number of movies in the top box office list.
- img : Boolean value ( 1 or 0 ) to show/hide thumbnail image.
- img_width : Numeric value ( 1 or 0 ) to set width of thumbnail image.
- mpaa_rating : Boolean value ( 1 or 0 ) to show/hide movie's Mpaa rating.
- audience_score : Boolean value ( 1 or 0 ) to show/hide movie's Audience Score.
- release_dates : Boolean value ( 1 or 0 ) to show/hide movie's Release dates.
- runtime : Boolean value ( 1 or 0 ) to show/hide movie's Runtime.
- cast : Boolean value ( 1 or 0 ) to show/hide movie's Cast.
- synopsis : Boolean value ( 1 or 0 ) to show/hide movie's synopsis.

Top 8 Bollywood Films that Rocked Pakistan Box-Office ...

Top 10 Bollywood 2013 box office .

Top 10 films that rocked Bollywood Box office